Profile Picturedatgek

Da'vali Cloak

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Da'vali Cloak

3 ratings

Please read the announcement on my main profile.

A cloak for the Da'vali!

Cloak features:

  • VRCFury prefab installation
  • Quite a few physbones for cloth-like movement (3 components, right, left, and back)
  • Forearm, leg, tail, and floor collision (arm collision is able to be toggled)
  • "End of travel" collision to prevent clipping into the torso in most cases
  • Optional integration with Warren's Fast Fur shader ("Lite")

Comes with

  • Fully set up .unitypackage
  • Substance and Photoshop files
  • 2 premade textures and materials
  • 3 prefabs (Standard, Fast fur, or both on a material swap)


  • Poiyomi Toon 8.0 (or later)
  • VRCFury
  • (Optional) Warrens Fast Fur

Notice regarding refunds:

Due to changes forced by gumroad, I can no longer offer a refund if you purchase this, or any other item twice by mistake.

Terms Of Use

You may:

  • Use and modify this asset on private and public avatars
  • Use this asset on commissioned avatars, provided both parties have the base asset
  • Share this asset, and any modifications made with it, with others who own the base asset
  • Share just the .spp and/or .psd with commissioners who do not own the base asset

You may not:

  • Falsely claim ownership, or involvement, with this asset's creation
  • Resell or redistribute any part of this asset, modified or otherwise (aside from the cases above)

Special thanks to NTM and MidnightDragon for their help with testing.

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67 sales

VRCFury ready .unitypackage, .spp and .psd files

Poly count
Physbone components
Material slots
Physbone colliders
Physbone transforms
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